Tomorrow is:

Building a family is hard work.  In case no one told you that I thought I'd just make sure you knew that right up front.  Especially if this is the beginning of your journey.  So I scribble little notes when I run across affirmations that'll help me on the waves of life.  Because no one tells you this at the beginning of your journey and you expect so much. Then when the waves come crashing down and you're tossing in the undertow you think it's over.  Building a family is like riding the ups and downs of the waves in the ocean.  When the wind blows, or the current shifts, or you get unstable and fall off the just have to swim after your board and get back on.  Building a family may mean different things to different people  Whether we are building a family of friends or a family with children the principles are the same.  If the waves are strong but the surf is worth the ride then climb back on the board and paddle for the next wave.  Know you're are going to have calms seas and stormy days ahead.  That's life.

When faces with obstacles here's a little thought.

Tomorrow is

an empty treasure chest full of potential

waiting to be

filled with memories.

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